Welcome to my site dedicated to showcasing the natural (as well as the urban) wonders, beauties, histories, and the lives found in the greater Sacramento area, through insightful photography and slide shows, interviews, and meaningful storytelling.
If this website finds success, it will be mainly because of people as yourself who are curious about our world: outdoor, indoor, and down-the-street, and who are curious about its peoples—our neighbors.
My responsibility, as photographer and documentarian, is to provide you with more that simple snapshots and nice pictures. I’m here to create essays with a story to tell, sharing with you at least a sense, if not the Spirit, of the places and the people I have had and look forward to having the good fortune to visit.
On a related point, I feel it my responsibility to faithfully and truthfully represent my experiences with minimal retouching (if any) of photographs, striving to keep the image as true to the original view as possible. I believe this is especially important for those photo-essays I plan to do that have more or a news quality. For these, I follow the ethics guide of the National Press Photographers Association which encourages minimal photo retouching that allow “…changes that deal only with the aspects of photography that make the photo more readable, such as a little dodging and burning, global color correction and contrast control.”
You will find photo essays with and without narration, and sometimes short photo-journalistic news documentaries and stories and some commentary. I pay homage to a master photographer and story teller, Bob Krist. When I feel that my work approaches that of Bob Krist I will have considered myself approaching success. In my opinion (one shared my many others), Bob beautifully combines the art of the visual with the art of the word. You might also find here brief posts about photography in general. These might include brief reviews, POVs (Point-of-Views), and commentary.
I encourage you to sign up for the RSS feeds available in the sidebar on the right. This type of work is time intensive, but I hope to have something new every 2-4 weeks. The RSS will help remind you to return for the new and current stuff. Take a look at my Portfolio pages for some of my older slideshows.
If you have or know of a story to be told, please take a look at the Contact/Info page and let me know. I will be looking for stories of human interest, place, people, events, etc., in short, stories about “my-neighborhoods” that others would like to hear about.
Finally: Why Sacramento? Why not! It’s a beautiful area, it’s where I live, and I can’t yet afford to travel to Nepal for rare light on mystic mountains. I can, however, bring you my mountains, oceans, flora, fauna, towns and cities, peoples—in short, my neighborhoods to you.
Bob I enjoyed your Railroad days spread. Just a few notes if you don’t mind. I brought the equipment up from Roseville the day before but was unable to attend and sorry I missed seeing you. In one of your photos of the engineer on the southbound train Mike Brewer was I believe on his last run before retiring. In another of the ” women old timers” one is of Dorothy seated in the middle who worked at the Mods until it closed and the UP moved us up the hill to the OAK TREE INN. Sure great to see your work. Keep it up Fondest Regards Les Erickson
Hey Les–sorry we couldn’t have crossed paths, but what a coincidence of you bringing up the equipment. Thanks for the info. I sort of knew Dorothy as a kid, and certainly remember the family’s shop repair shop where (I think her brother) the shoeMAKER would actually make custom shoes. I hollered up to Mike as he past buy, “This is your retirement picture!” Hope he heard me; please forward the link to him, if you can. Thanks! Bob